500 & 403 errors when downloading a region


Just a simple (know) issue. It looks that this area is corrupted too, like it happened in this older topic: 500 and 403 error when downloading a certain region

If you choose 2019-08-28 it doesn’t work (image is available via EO browser). Any other previous date like 2019-08-23 works.


Server response: “java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.sinergise.sentinel.java.io.manager.MissingFileException: Illegal request to https://sentinel-s2-l1c-index.s3.amazonaws.com/tiles/29/S/NB/2019/8/28/0/B04.index. HTTP Status: 403”

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the notice, it is fixed now.

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Thanks! Just tried and it’s working.