Have paid for Planetscope but have no quota in EOBrowser why?

Have reached out to the info email to get resolved but they sent me here

Hi @donovanmarsh,

to start using the PlanetScope data, the process is the following:

  • you purchase the quota for a relevant tier
  • we start onboarding you to the Planet’s portal (you receive an invitation from them at this point, to provide data relevant for compliance check)
  • we assign relevant quota on Planet’s portal and our side
  • we send you the e-mail with instructions on how to make use of it, most importantly with the Planet API key, which you need to use when ordering data from Planet.

Checking our communication log I see that you have received the last e-mail (last step) on July 28th. We have now re-sent it to you once again, for your convenience.

Can you check if everything works on your side?
Make sure to be logged-in the system in case you are using EO Browser.
You can also see your quota in the Dashboard

Best Regards,

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