How to get the date of RGB image from L8 satellite?

I have the following payload which I’m trying on L8 API :

url = ""

   payload = {
                "input": {
                    "bounds": {
                        "properties": {
                            "crs": ""
                        "bbox": bbox_rgb
                    "data": [
                            "type": RGB_TYPE,
                            "dataFilter": {
                                "timeRange": {
                    "identifier": identifier,
                # "output":{"width":1000,"height":940},
                "evalscript": evalscript

eval_script_rgb = """

let minVal = 0.0;
let maxVal = 0.4;
let viz = new HighlightCompressVisualizer(minVal, maxVal);
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
     let sudoPanW = (samples.B04 + samples.B03 + samples.B02 * 0.4) / 2.4;
     let ratioW = samples.B08 / sudoPanW;
     let val = [samples.B04 * ratioW, samples.B03 * ratioW, samples.B02 * ratioW];
     val = viz.processList(val);
     return val;
function setup() {
     return {
          input: [{
               bands: ["B02","B03","B04","B08","dataMask" ]
          output: { 
               bands: 4


I can download the image but I want to know the exact date when the image was available. Is there any method to do this using the API?


You can use the outputMetadata to return information about the scene that you are requesting/downloading. In the documentation there are links to examples on how to implement the function.


I have tried that and I get the following response:


However, previously I used to get the date here when using the same script for Sentinel 2. Here is the evalscript for that:

eval_script_rgb_json = """

let minVal = 0.0;
let maxVal = 0.4;
let viz = new HighlightCompressVisualizer(minVal, maxVal);
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
     let sudoPanW = (samples.B04 + samples.B03 + samples.B02 * 0.4) / 2.4;
     let ratioW = samples.B08 / sudoPanW;
     let val = [samples.B04 * ratioW, samples.B03 * ratioW, samples.B02 * ratioW];
     val = viz.processList(val);
     return val;
function setup() {
     return {
          input: [{
               bands: ["B02","B03","B04","B08","dataMask" ]
          output: { 
               bands: 4

function updateOutputMetadata(scenes, inputMetadata, outputMetadata) {
  outputMetadata.userData = { "metadata":  JSON.stringify(scenes) }
  return [0]


Perhaps this example is most similar. It is for sentinel-2, but you can do the same for L8