A “Scene classification map” is now available as a layer in EO Browser whenever Sentinel2-L2A dataset is visualized. E.g., check out how the classification map looks like around lake Ohrid: https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser/#lat=41.07663&lng=20.53431&zoom=13&time=2018-07-06&preset=SCENE-CLASSIFICATION-MAP&datasource=Sentinel-2%20L2A
The Scene classification map is a result of Scene classification algorithm by ESA, which is described here: https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/technical-guides/sentinel-2-msi/level-2a/algorithm
The script currently used for visualization in EO Browser is:
function RGBToColor (a, b, c){
return [a/255, b/255, c/255];
switch (SCL) {
// No Data (Missing data) (black)
case 0: return RGBToColor (0, 0, 0);
// Saturated or defective pixel (red)
case 1: return RGBToColor (255, 0, 0);
// Dark features / Shadows (very dark grey)
case 2: return RGBToColor (47, 47, 47);
// Cloud shadows (dark brown)
case 3: return RGBToColor (100, 50, 0);
// Vegetation (green)
case 4: return RGBToColor (0, 160, 0);
// Not-vegetated (dark yellow)
case 5: return RGBToColor (255, 230, 90);
// Water (dark and bright) (blue)
case 6: return RGBToColor (0, 0, 255);
// Unclassified (dark grey)
case 7: return RGBToColor (128, 128, 128);
// Cloud medium probability (grey)
case 8: return RGBToColor (192, 192, 192);
// Cloud high probability (white)
case 9: return RGBToColor (255, 255, 255);
// Thin cirrus (very bright blue)
case 10: return RGBToColor (100, 200, 255);
// Snow or ice (very bright pink)
case 11: return RGBToColor (255, 150, 255);
default : return RGBToColor (0, 0, 0);