Unable to download or visualize PlanetScope Data either via API or EO browser

Hi there,

I’m having a error after purchasing the data
the EO Browser will just show “An error has occurred while fetching images:
and this message:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.io.EOFException
cannot be cast to [D

When I use the WMS API - I get Missing REQUEST parameter

When I use the “Endpoint Location Services” I get 403- Service Unavailable

Please advise

Dear Jason,
there indeed seems to be an issue in the software resulting in error for some of the ingested data (some actually work, e.g. 2020-09-08 date). I have asked the engineers to look into the cause, will come back once I have some more info.

What do you mean by this?

How exacty you try to use this?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry, was referring to the Dashboard WMS option

I guess you tried “Open in Playground” button, right? This one does only work for Sentinel-2 based instances. These are used by majority of our users, but there are more and more like you and it seems we will have to do something in this direction.

For the WMS option - the data processing error will prevent it from working. Once this is cleared, you should use WMS in combination with some GIS software, which sets appropriate parameters, Examples described here?

Anyway, will come back once the root cause is cleared.

can you tell me which dates you were able to successfully download? we were unable to download the one September 8th file you referenced. We have some ongoing work

Hi Jason,
there is an issue on our side, a consequence of an upgrade of the system on Friday. We have fixed the products ingested until today. On Monday a perment fix will come on-line.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Update: permanent fix deployed