An error impacting several users occured while updating SH data products

While working on the upgrade of our system, we have made a premature upgrade, which might have impacted you. We are sincerely sorry about that.

With this notice, we would like to transparently explain what happened, what impacts it might have had, and how to fix any remaining issues.

What happened?

As part of the migration to evalscript version 3, we have converted old versions of evalscripts used in our data products to evalscripts version 3.
While the conversion itself was throughout tested and technically worked as it should it did not account for two specific situations detailed below. This caused issues for a small percentage of our users.

Vast majority of users were not impacted

  • If you are using the process API you were not impacted.
  • If you are using your own custom scripts you were not impacted.
  • If you are using SH OGC services (WMS, WMTS, WCS) for visualization purposes you were almost certainly not impacted.

Who and how was impacted?

We have identified two possible impacts:

  • (minor) If you were using SH OGC services (WMS/WMTS/WCS) and were requesting data with a polygon, the background outside the polygon might have been black instead of transparent.
  • (major) If you were using a SH OGC services (WMS/WMTS/WCS) and default “Data product” and had an output format set to image/tiff;depth=16 or image/tiff;depth=32f, you have received an 8-bit integer data instead. (forum link).

The changed data products were active from Tuesday, 14th of April 2020, 15:44:00 UTC to Wednesday, 29th of April 2020, 06:06 UTC when we reverted our changes. All data products are now exactly the same as they were before Tuesday, 14th of April 2020, 15:44:00 UTC. This, we believe, resolved the issues.

If you noticed the problematic change and adjusted your configurations accordingly in the meantime, you need to revert your changes. If you are not sure how to do that, please contact us and we will provide full support.

If you were impacted by this issue, please contact us, so that we together find the optimal way to manage it.

Conclusion and next steps

We are constantly working to make our service better, faster, and more stable. Disrupting our users’ workflow is the last thing we want to do so we want to make sure to avoid this as much as possible. We would again like to apologize for all caused inconvenience.

We will continue working on migration to evlascript V3 as we believe it will bring several benefits for our users. This mistake thought us that automatic migraiton is not possible and we will need your cooperation to complete the migration successfully. We will prepare tools and step-by-step tutorials, which will guide you through the migration. All changes will be announced on our forum. Feel free to contact us on the forum or directly in case you have any concerns or questions regarding the migration.

We strongly recommend you check the post on migration of EVALSCRIPTs to version 3:

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