API error 500 - Internal Server Error - Too many execution errors

since this morning (28-Feb-2024) all the API requests we make via Python to get data (NDVI and NDMI) from Sentinel-2 fail with the following error code:


error detail:
{“error”:{“status”:500,“reason”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“Too many execution errors.”,“code”:“COMMON_EXCEPTION”}

Account is
OAuth clients: 89e856dd-####-####-####-dfcd5507daeb

and it doesn’t seem like the credit has run out (PU Remaining OK and Requests Mont. Remaining OK)

Can you please help us understand why data is no longer sent from today?

I attach the details of the complete request and response.

Please, can you help us understand where the problem is?

Thank you for your precious support.


Account is
OAuth clients: 89e856dd-####-####-####-dfcd5507daeb


response = oauth.request(“POST”,url, headers=headers_1, json=data_1)



response is this

{“error”:{“status”:500,“reason”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“Too many execution errors.”,“code”:“COMMON_EXCEPTION”}

detail of requeste:

response = oauth.request(“POST”,url, headers=headers_1, json=data_1)

url= ‘https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics

json=data_1 is this:

{‘input’: {‘bounds’: {‘geometry’: {‘type’: ‘Polygon’, ‘coordinates’: [[[13.1601178369472, 46.12216202255643], [13.160129830985515, 46.12216070158812], [13.160140650962207, 46.12215686798897], [13.160149237741603, 46.12215089701883], [13.160154750789893, 46.12214337315842], [13.16015665045249, 46.122135032896104], [13.160154750778757, 46.122126692635035], [13.16014923772358, 46.12211916877789], [13.160140650944193, 46.122113197811785], [13.160129830974375, 46.122109364215895], [13.1601178369472, 46.122108043248836], [13.160105842920023, 46.122109364215895], [13.160095022950205, 46.122113197811785], [13.160086436170818, 46.12211916877789], [13.160080923115641, 46.122126692635035], [13.160079023441908, 46.122135032896104], [13.160080923104506, 46.12214337315842], [13.160086436152795, 46.12215089701883], [13.160095022932191, 46.12215686798897], [13.160105842908884, 46.12216070158812], [13.1601178369472, 46.12216202255643]]]}}, ‘data’: [{‘dataFilter’: {}, ‘type’: ‘sentinel-2-l2a’}]}, ‘aggregation’: {‘timeRange’: {‘from’: ‘2023-12-02T00:00:00Z’, ‘to’: ‘2024-02-28T23:59:59Z’}, ‘aggregationInterval’: {‘of’: ‘P1D’}, ‘width’: 12, ‘height’: 12, ‘evalscript’: '\n //VERSION=3\n function setup() {\n return {\n input: [{\n bands: [\n “B04”,\n “B08”,\n “B11”,\n “dataMask”\n ]\n }],\n output: [\n {\n id: “Data_NDVI”,\n bands: [“NDVI”]\n },\n {\n id: “Data_NDMI”,\n bands: [“NDMI”]\n },\n {\n id: “dataMask”,\n bands: 1\n }]\n };\n }\n \n function evaluatePixel(samples) {\n let ndvi = (samples.B08 - samples.B04) / (samples.B08+samples.B04);\n let ndmi = (samples.B08 - samples.B11) / (samples.B08+samples.B11);\n return {\n Data_NDVI: [ndvi],\n Data_NDMI: [ndmi],\n dataMask: [samples.dataMask],\n \n };\n }\n '}, ‘calculations’: {‘default’: {}}}

headers=headers_1 is this:

{‘Accept’: ‘application/json’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1…####etc###…Ng5bbXbmo0PYGJNokT5TNH4bsFnbQXUiZ4iJj_6VoajGxNX9Q’}

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Thanks for flagging this error, we are looking into it and working on a fix for this. We will update here once it is fixed.

UPDATE: the issue has now been fixed.

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Thank you very much for fixing the problem, everything seems to be ok now.

Thanks again.

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