Catalog API - download the item as a COG or geotiff

Hi, I am using Catalog API to search through the catalog and get appropriate STAC items, then I just want to download them as COG or geotiff items to my local machine. Perfect would be to download them for specific AOI. The problem is that the items don’t have assets. Is it an authorization problem? Or there is just not a functionality like that?

I am interested in this collection: CORINE Land Cover - Sentinel Hub Collections

What is the easiest way to achieve that? Thank you for answers.

Hi Jakub,

You can use Process API to access CORINE Land Cover datasets via Sentinel Hub.

The dataset can be accessed as a byoc-collection with the ID: cbdba844-f86d-41dc-95ad-b3f7f12535e9

An example of a request is below:

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
 --form-string 'request={
  "input": {
    "bounds": {
      "bbox": [
    "data": [
        "dataFilter": {
          "timeRange": {
            "from": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "to": "2018-01-01T23:59:59Z"
        "type": "byoc-cbdba844-f86d-41dc-95ad-b3f7f12535e9"
  "output": {
    "width": 512,
    "height": 390.774,
    "responses": [
        "identifier": "default",
        "format": {
          "type": "image/jpeg"
}' \
 --form-string 'evalscript=//VERSION=3
function setup() {
  return {
    input: ["CLC", "dataMask"],
    output: {
      bands: 4,
      sampleType: "AUTO"

const map = [
  [1, 0xe6004d],  //111 - Continuous urban fabric
  [2, 0xff0000],  //112 - Discontinuous urban fabric
  [3, 0xcc4df2],  //121 - Industrial or commercial units
  [4, 0xcc0000],  //122 - Road and rail networks and associated land
  [5, 0xe6cccc],  //123 - Port areas
  [6, 0xe6cce6],  //124 - Airports
  [7, 0xa600cc],  //131 - Mineral extraction sites
  [8, 0xa64d00],  //132 - Dump sites
  [9, 0xff4dff],  //133 - Construction sites
  [10, 0xffa6ff], //141 - Green urban areas
  [11, 0xffe6ff], //142 - Sport and leisure facilities
  [12, 0xffffa8], //211 - Non-irrigated arable land
  [13, 0xffff00], //212 - Permanently irrigated land
  [14, 0xe6e600], //213 - Rice fields
  [15, 0xe68000], //221 - Vineyards
  [16, 0xf2a64d], //222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations
  [17, 0xe6a600], //223 - Olive groves
  [18, 0xe6e64d], //231 - Pastures
  [19, 0xffe6a6], //241 - Annual crops associated with permanent crops
  [20, 0xffe64d], //242 - Complex cultivation patterns
  [21, 0xe6cc4d], //243 - Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
  [22, 0xf2cca6], //244 - Agro-forestry areas
  [23, 0x80ff00], //311 - Broad-leaved forest
  [24, 0x00a600], //312 - Coniferous forest
  [25, 0x4dff00], //313 - Mixed forest
  [26, 0xccf24d], //321 - Natural grasslands
  [27, 0xa6ff80], //322 - Moors and heathland
  [28, 0xa6e64d], //323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation
  [29, 0xa6f200], //324 - Transitional woodland-shrub
  [30, 0xe6e6e6], //331 - Beaches - dunes - sands
  [31, 0xcccccc], //332 - Bare rocks
  [32, 0xccffcc], //333 - Sparsely vegetated areas
  [33, 0x000000], //334 - Burnt areas
  [34, 0xa6e6cc], //335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow
  [35, 0xa6a6ff], //411 - Inland marshes
  [36, 0x4d4dff], //412 - Peat bogs
  [37, 0xccccff], //421 - Salt marshes
  [38, 0xe6e6ff], //422 - Salines
  [39, 0xa6a6e6], //423 - Intertidal flats
  [40, 0x00ccf2], //511 - Water courses
  [41, 0x80f2e6], //512 - Water bodies
  [42, 0x00ffa6], //521 - Coastal lagoons
  [43, 0xa6ffe6], //522 - Estuaries
  [44, 0xe6f2ff], //523 - Sea and ocean
  [48, 0xffffff]  //999 - NODATA

const visualizer = new ColorMapVisualizer(map);

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
  let rgbVis = visualizer.process(sample.CLC);
  return rgbVis.concat(sample.dataMask);

For the individual years when data is available you should use the 1st January to obtain the data in your time range.

Thank you William! I really appreciate this approach, but it does add a lot of not needed logic to our workflows (I am not planning to process the data on Sentinel Hub). Is it the only option to download the data?
Will it be ever accessible through Catalog API?

Catalog API is for searching through open dataset catalogues and therefore, cannot be used to directly download data. You also have the option to download CORINE from the data provider directly.