Connect with NASA products


I would like to ask if there is any plan to ocnnect with remote sensing data from NASA, such as FLDAS (famine early warning systems network) or TerraClimate or FLDAS .

Having these products together with the existing satellite images could open the door to very interesting data fusions and models. I know google earth engine provide connection to these sources, it could be wonderful the be able to connect them using sentinel hub, as well.

Are there any plans like this? :slight_smile:



Hi Reut,
I agree that these (and many other collections) are very intersting, but at the moment we have no short-term or mid-term plan to onboard them. Technically it should be pretty straightforward - one just have to convert into COG or zarr and then use our “Bring your own data” option. However, as each of these collections takes effort to study, convert, onboard and then maintain, we have to keep some priority list.
In case you need it, you can obviously do this yourself and, if you are OK with it, even register it within our public collections.
Alternatively, if you have an idea, we could do this on a project basis.

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@gmilcinski thank you for your answer!
I have question regard the Bring your own data option - how do you price it?
lets say I add tiles from specific area, and then I call them using sentinel hub API, do you charge for this data retrieval?

moreover, how can I see public collections that were added by other users? or the data in the public collection link is already combine SH data and users data.



Hi Reut,
when you ar usign Sentinel Hub data to request data ingested via BYOD, the “pricing” is exactly the same - based on number of bands, size, number of observations - you simply consume processing units.
There is currently no cost related to ingestion and management of BYOD data. We might eventually add a small “processing fee”, but it will be very very small, proportional to the costs.

The includes both “core” and “user” data.
