CREODIAS endpoint rejects the request despite the time-series is within the time limit

when i try to sumbit a request to process the geometry mentioned below using sentinel-2-l1c, despite the time series is within CREODIAS endpoint time limit, the request gets rejected.
for the same time series mentioned below, when it gets sumbitted through SERVICES endpoint, it gets processed normally.

could you please clarify why the request with the parameters mentioned below gets rejected from CREODIAS?

request parameters

const params = {
satelliteMissionType: satelliteMissionLabelChecker(sentinel-2-l1c),
orbitalExtent: satelliteOrbitalExtentChecker(‘GLOBAL’),
TSFrom: new Date(‘2021-01-01T00:00:00Z’).getTime(),
TSUntil: new Date(‘2021-04-30T23:59:59Z’).getTime(),
geojson: {"type":"Polygon","coordinates": [[[1268642.9157226786,6022903.300198574],[1269124.392659434,6022926.448128225],[1269112.818694608,6022257.472961291],[1268485.5098010472,6022030.623250704],[1268642.9157226786,6022903.300198574]]]},

It might be that our documentation is outdated, sorry about that.
Do please use end-point
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