Data Errors: 32bit Float Values Greater Than 1
According to this link, 32bit float values should be between 0-1 (
However this is not the case in Patch 2. Patch 2 is within Patch 1 if this was normal behaviour as per this link (Sentinel 2 L2A band data not in range 0-1), then Patch 1 should also have these greater than 1 values.
1)Please advise - are values greater than 1 correct?
2)Is the first link wrong and the second link correct?
3)If the second link is correct and values greater than 1 for 32bit float are ok, then does that mean the same for 8-bit values can exceed 255 and also for 16-bit, i.e. values can exceed 65535?
Many thanks,
from eolearn.core.eoworkflow import LinearWorkflow, Dependency
from eolearn.core.eodata import FeatureType
from sentinelhub import BBox, CRS
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from eolearn.core import SaveToDisk, LoadFromDisk
from import S2L1CWCSInput, AddSen2CorClassificationFeature, DEMWCSInput, S2L2AWCSInput, L8L1CWCSInput
layer = ‘BANDS-S2-L1C’
save = SaveToDisk(‘io_example_1’, overwrite_permission=2, compress_level=1)
input_task = S2L1CWCSInput(layer=layer,
resx=‘10m’, resy=‘10m’, time_difference=datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
time_i = [‘2020-01-05’,‘2020-01-09’]
bb_1 = BBox(bbox=[-0.421, 11.008, -0.420, 11.0079],crs=CRS.WGS84)
workflow = LinearWorkflow(input_task, save)
result_1 = workflow.execute({input_task: {‘bbox’: bb_1, ‘time_interval’: time_i},
save: {‘eopatch_folder’: ‘eopatch’}})
eopatch_1 = result_1[save]
image_1 =[‘BANDS-S2-L1C’]
d, w, h, bands = image_1.shape
img_2D_1 = image_1.reshape(d* w * h, bands)
[[0.1839 0.1718 0.1652 0.1949 0.2039 0.2239 0.2531 0.2471 0.2849 0.0737
0.0019 0.3589 0.2426]
[0.1839 0.1702 0.1656 0.1942 0.2039 0.2239 0.2531 0.2472 0.2849 0.0737
0.0019 0.3589 0.2426]
[0.1839 0.1677 0.1622 0.1902 0.1964 0.2146 0.2404 0.2387 0.2748 0.0737
0.0019 0.3499 0.2275]
[0.1839 0.168 0.16 0.1872 0.1964 0.2146 0.2404 0.2363 0.2748 0.0737
0.0019 0.3499 0.2275]
[0.1827 0.1671 0.1598 0.1871 0.1949 0.2138 0.2375 0.2345 0.2683 0.0716
0.0017 0.3508 0.2344]
[0.1827 0.1674 0.161 0.1879 0.1949 0.2138 0.2375 0.2364 0.2683 0.0716
0.0017 0.3508 0.2344]
[0.1827 0.1669 0.1616 0.1879 0.1948 0.2138 0.2413 0.2366 0.2698 0.0716
0.0017 0.351 0.2336]
[0.1827 0.1673 0.1614 0.186 0.1948 0.2138 0.2413 0.234 0.2698 0.0716
0.0017 0.351 0.2336]
[0.1827 0.1673 0.1611 0.1863 0.1926 0.21 0.2367 0.2335 0.2662 0.0716
0.0017 0.3462 0.2318]
[0.1827 0.1663 0.1597 0.1858 0.1926 0.21 0.2367 0.2331 0.2662 0.0716
0.0017 0.3462 0.2318]
[0.1833 0.1648 0.1566 0.1785 0.1896 0.2074 0.234 0.2278 0.2654 0.0717
0.0018 0.3387 0.2198]]
layer = ‘BANDS-S2-L1C’
save = SaveToDisk(‘io_example_2’, overwrite_permission=2, compress_level=1)
input_task = S2L1CWCSInput(layer=layer,
resx=‘10m’, resy=‘10m’, time_difference=datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
time_i = [‘2020-01-05’,‘2020-01-09’]
bb_2 = BBox(bbox=[-0.4213, 11.0086, -0.4211, 11.0084],crs=CRS.WGS84)
workflow = LinearWorkflow(input_task, save)
result_2 = workflow.execute({input_task: {‘bbox’: bb_2, ‘time_interval’: time_i},
save: {‘eopatch_folder’: ‘eopatch’}})
eopatch_2 = result_2[save]
image_2 =[‘BANDS-S2-L1C’]
d, w, h, bands = image_2.shape
img_2D_2 = image_2.reshape(d* w * h, bands)
[[0.1839 0.1721 0.1671 0.1998 1.0769 1.086 1.0973 0.2519 1.1153 0.0761
0.0019 1.1439 1.0934]
[0.1837 0.173 0.1727 0.2033 1.1589 1.1668 1.1765 0.2545 1.1925 0.0745
0.0019 1.2284 1.1927]
[0.1839 0.1713 0.1653 0.1973 1.0769 1.086 1.0973 0.25 1.1153 0.0761
0.0019 1.1439 1.0934]
[0.1837 0.1736 0.1728 0.2024 1.1589 1.1668 1.1765 0.2534 1.1925 0.0745
0.0019 1.2284 1.1927]]