Date of acquisiton of sentinel-2-l1c returns no statistical data

for the below posted request, for the specified timeRange mentioned below:
“timeRange”: {
“from”: “2023-08-31T00:00:00Z”,
“to”: “2023-09-01T23:59:59Z”

“from”: “2023-08-31T00:00:00Z”: does not coincide with an acquisition timeRange
“to”: “2023-09-01T23:59:59Z”: does conincide with an acquisition timeRange

why when i run the request it receive an error indicating no statistical data is available at the specified time range “please review the attached screen-shot”


  "input": {
	"bounds": {
	  "bbox": [
	"data": [
		"dataFilter": {},
		"type": "sentinel-2-l1c"
  "aggregation": {
	"timeRange": {
	  "from": "2023-08-31T00:00:00Z",
	  "to": "2023-09-01T23:59:59Z"
	"aggregationInterval": {
	  "of": "P1D"
	"width": 512,
	"height": 343.697,
	"evalscript": "function setup() {\n    return {\n      input: [{\n        bands: [\n          \"B04\", \"B08\", \"dataMask\"\n        ]\n      }],\n      output: [\n        {\n          id: \"ndvi\", bands: 1\n        },\n        {\n          id: \"dataMask\", bands: 1\n        }\n      ]\n    };\n  }\n \n  function evaluatePixel(samples) {  \n    throw new Error(samples)\n    const DEFAULT_OUTPUT = {\n      ndvi: [NaN]+ \",\" + \n      dataMask: [NaN]+ \",\" + \n    };\n\n    if (!samples || Object.keys(samples).length === 0 || (samples.B04 +   samples.B08) === 0) {\n      return DEFAULT_OUTPUT;\n    }\n\n    let index = null;\n    index = (samples.B08 - samples.B04) / (samples.B08 + samples.B04);\n    \n    return {\n        ndvi: [index],\n        dataMask: [samples.dataMask],\n    };\n  }"
  "calculations": {
	"default": {}

Hi, searching your AOI and timerange, there appears to be no acquisitions so the response isn’t unexpected.

thank you

Is it ever possible for an acquisition time to exist without any relevant statistics?

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