DEM in raster format for GIS processings

Hello there!

First of all, I apologize for any improper use of this resource, but as a new user I still don’t know how to properly orient myself.

I was wondering if the Sentinel Hub service allowed to directly download the DEM data in a geo-referenced raster format accessible through GIS tools (GRASS for example …) in order to perform land analysis.

Thank you for your kind availability.


Hi @alessandro.iacopino ,

Yes with Sentinel Hub users can download geo-referenced DEM data in raster format.

You can find an example in our documentation.

Hope this would help.

Best Regards

Kindest @chung.horng,

unfortunately, I am not familiar with this language you pointed out. Could you be more specific about how to use it to get what I need, please?

Thanks again.


Hi Alessandro,

There are several ways to access DEM data through Sentinel hub services, please see the points below. But before this, you can find more information about which DEMs are available through Sentinel Hub by going to and searching for the keyword DEM.

  • For small scale applications you could sign up for free to EO Browser and download the available DEM data from there. A video tutorial shows you the steps to follow.

  • If you want to access the DEM programmatically, you can either use the Process API to request a DEM or use our Python libraries. There is also a webinar for the Process API.

  • For direct integration in a GIS tool, you can take a look at the ressources in our dedicated documentation page: there are a lot of elements that can guide you there!

Thank you very much @maxim.lamare !!!

Best Regards.
