Third-party data purchased through Sentinel Hub and the accompanying metadata can now be downloaded in the original format as delivered by the data provider. For each finished delivery of an order or subscription, you can:
Hi all,
is there any way to get data from WorldView in its original resolution and with the complete list of bands?
I have ordered WV-3 data with 30cm PAN band and 8 MS bands, but the utility for ‘Original data download’ only allows to download resampled (50cm PAN, 2m MS) data with 4 bands.
Hi Roman,
it is not possible to order 30cm data and 8 bands through Sentinel Hub, as clearly stated in the documentation. The Original data download provides access to the exact data as retreived from EUSI.
As a side note - Worldview does indeed support higher resolution and more bands, but those come at higher price, and not available generally. For the sake of simplicity we implemented support for most common format.