Dual horizontal polarization in Sentinel1

When searching in Copernicus Open Access Hub for S1 imagery I can find lots of data for IW mode with dual vertical polarization but I can’t find any dual horizontal polarization imagery although here is written that this data should be available.

Am I doing something wrong or the dual horizontal polarization data is not available?


Could it be that you are looking for dual horizontal polarization imagery at a location where it is not provided?

In the observation scenario map provided in our documentation page about S1-GRD products, you can see where the different products are acquired. In the case of dual horizontal polarization in IW mode, the products are limited to polar regions (see main map in green for IW and lower left map for polarizations).

And indeed using our catalog API to search for such products over western Europe returns nothing:

curl -X POST 'services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/catalog/search' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "bbox": [-11.2, 35.2, 5.7, 59.2],
      "datetime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z/2020-10-30T23:59:59Z",
      "collections": ["sentinel-1-grd"],
      "query": {
        "polarization":  {
          "eq": "DH"
        "sar:instrument_mode": {
          "eq": "IW"

But searching for the same data over Greenland does:

curl -X POST 'services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/catalog/search' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "bbox": [-62.5, 60.6, -7.2, 83.9],
      "datetime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z/2020-10-30T23:59:59Z",
      "collections": ["sentinel-1-grd"],
      "query": {
        "polarization":  {
          "eq": "DH"
        "sar:instrument_mode": {
          "eq": "IW"


Thank you very much Maxim!!.
Was not aware to the polarization scheme you gave.
Now it is very clear, I was looking for the dual-pol horizontal data in the eastern side of USA… :slightly_smiling_face: