EO-learn Tutorial: Deprecated arguments in VectorToRaster?


I’ve experienced issues with VectorToRaster function in EO-learn land-use tutorial. It does not want to accept some of the arguments (values & values_column) whereas there are some others missing that had not been known to me and are not listed in eo-learn documentation.

Has the function been rebuilt or what’s going on here?

Thank you!

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I’m having the same trouble

Hi @smoncadav,

Please make sure to upgrade your version of eo-learn package and it’s subpackages to the latest. For the upper code to work you have to have eo-learn>=0.5.0.

Thanks @maleksandrov I’m using conda Install, but there is no channel offering eo-learn>=0.5.0

Unfortunately, eo-learn release at Anaconda Cloud is not up-to-date. But we always upload the latest releases to PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/eo-learn/

Therefore, you can use pip inside conda environment to upgrade eo-learn to the latest version.