Error in sentinel 2 data fetching via process

When requesting for the provided KML for the year 2019
Gijon_FU.kml (702 Bytes)
via process API is giving below error. The same works for the period after that

{'error': {'status': 500, 'reason': 'Internal Server Error', 'message': 'java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal request! URL: s3://sentinel-s2-l1c-index/tiles/29/T/QJ/2019/2/14/0/B8A.index status: 400 reason: Bad Request', 'code': 'RENDERER_EXCEPTION'}}

Also, I am failing to get the CLM band for Sentinel 2 L1C. Is it not provided with L1C though it is present in the documentation.


Unfortunately these files seem to be missing on Creodias. Please try using another endpoint location, for example

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