Error when trying to download geotagged images

I’ve been trying and failing to download geotagged images from the EO Browser today, getting the error message ‘An error has occurred while fetching some of the images - Network error’. This comes up whether I try a png or jpeg, and regardless of the layer I try to download.

Anyone know a fix for this, or is this a problem with the browser?

Hi Aron,

I wasn’t able to replicate the error you are having. Which data collection were you trying to download?

Just a geotagged PNG image

Apologies for the delayed response Aron; I meant which satellite dataset were you trying to download e.g. Sentinel-2. In addition, which visualisation were you trying to download too?

Lastly, is the issue still persisting or was it only temporary?

I was trying to download geo-tagged Sentinel-2 images. I managed to get round the issue by downloading simple rectangles rather than complex polygons.