Geoserver and Planet Scope Integration Issue

Hello everyone,
I did integration process between planet hub and geoserver according to the below instruction.

However, geoserver returns error in layer preview. The error message:
Caused by: Server returned HTTP error code 400 for URL,-3.002261605686392E7,3.002261605686392E7,3.002261605686392E7&VERSION=1.3.0&STYLES=&SERVICE=WMS&WIDTH=768&HEIGHT=768&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&LAYERS=3_NDVI

If you make this request in the browser, you will see the following error:

It seems the Geoserver is trying to make a preview at very low scale (i.e. whole globe). I am not familiar with the geoserver, but I guess there are options to set the area of interest.

I think the problem back to my request. I don’t know why even my WMS request showed nothing in QGIS WMS service. the xml file doesn’t appear valid:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

If I add this WMS to QGIS, I have no problem seeing the image, see screenshot.
As a side note - I suggest you don’t publicly expose full instance IDs,as someone could abuse it.

Thanks for your support. I figured out how to transfer one image from sentinel-hub to QGIS. How about a time series? for example we purchased a series of planet scope images and I need to transfer all of them into Geoserver using rest api technique.

You will need to somehow configure Geoserver to use “TIME” parameter.
Perhaps worth to check this:

I think the problem back to my request. I don’t know why even my WMS request showed nothing in QGIS WMS service. the xml file doesn’t appear valid:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Sometimes WMS services can be tricky.

One more question, how can I get configuration information from my account? for example, python api batch download depends on availability of Sentinel Hub client ID, client secret, and instance ID. I have collection ID, account ID, user ID and api code. Could you please tell me how can I get theses: lient ID, client secret, and instance ID?

Client ID and Secret ID in:

Instance ID in:

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To retrieve the configuration information such as client ID, client secret, and instance ID for your Sentinel Hub account, you typically need to access your Sentinel Hub account dashboard or profile settings.

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