Get list of open existing images of area of interest

I’m new here and found Sentinel Hub contains multiple APIs

I would like to get list of open data (images list) for a selected area of interest and send time period and maximum clouds on image parameters like the fallowing link.

Can anyone guide me which api used here:

Hi Hosam,

EO Browser offers a similar interface to the one that you have screenshotted. You can search several open data collections using the application, each individually of course.

If you wish to perform more advanced queries, you can utilise the Catalog API to search the different data collections available. Depending on data collection you will be able to filter by cloud cover and the time range.

Also for your information, you can find the data collections available to you here. Please note, you will need to make separate requests for each data collection. However, you could concatenate the lists into a single response if you wished.

Hope that this helps you out!

Thanks William,

That helps.

Now I’m able to search for images using catalog api search.

I would like to download all the feature files, i.e: image, *.tif, *.json and *.xml file

How to achieve that.

Thank you.

To download data using Sentinel Hub, please look into Processing API.

However, if you are after the full Sentinel-2 images, you should look into the APIs available on the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.

I appreciate that.

What’s the difference between getting data from Processing API. and Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.

Also in the Catalog Search API do we need to get data from AWS S3 or is the processing API enough?

This is up to you. I don’t know enough about your application to answer that.

To summarise, Processing API enables you to access imagery for specific AOIs and time ranges with a wide range of processing options. This means you only download the pixels you need and do not need to download a full Sentinel-2 granule.

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No I don’t want to download the full Sentinel-2 granule.

I want to download the pixels of the selected AOI only with the metadata, PNG and GeoTIFF.

There are examples on how to do this in the documentation. Please take your time going through the examples and from these you should be able to build what you require.

@william.ray thanks for your support.

I’ve gone through the documentation and used Processing API successfully and get the result I wanted.
I’m having an issue now with the retrieving true color PNG image in the same multi-part request with GeoTIFF and metadata json. I’m getting white PNG image.

Can you please help me fix this?
I posted a topic here:

Thanks in advance.

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