Getting 403 response for PlanetScope order request


I’m trying to make a PlanetScope order request from the SH account, but I got 403 response like:

{“error”:{“status”:403,“reason”:“Forbidden”,“message”:“You do not have sufficient permission for this action. Please contact support.”,“code”:“COMMON_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS”}}

I have paid Planet account and tried with the Planet APIkey.
I also tried the demonstrational example written in without APIkey, but the same result in python and postman.

How can I solve the problem?

Best regards

Hi @shunsukeakimoto,

to order PlanetScope data (or any other commercial imagery), you need to purchase a quota for the specific mission. You can do this here:

Have you done this already?

Hi @gmilcinski,

Thank you for the reponse.

No, I have not purchased through Sentinel Hub, but I purchased the quota for Tier 1/2/3 from Planet directly.

In the pricing page (Pricing), it seems planet user can use the data on Sentinel Hub:

  • Existing Planet users can use the data through Sentinel Hub using their own credentials.

I thought that if I had a account, I could use that data from Sentinel Hub, am I wrong?


Ah, I see. You are right, was just not aware of this.
We just need to configure this option in our account. Can you message me, via forum, the e-mail of the Sentinel Hub account you are using? Or confirm that it is the e-mail associated to your Forum user? We will then set the needed.


I sent a message to you.

Best regards,
Shunsuke Akimoto

Indeed, account should be set. Please let us know if it works as expected.

It works as expected now.
Thank you!