Haze removal on Sentinel 2


I’m using sentinel 2 L2A satellite images so atmospheric correction is applied on it but there are still haze and aerosols on images what you can see below.

Is there any algorithm for haze removal so when applied any normalized indexes that there are no false detections.


Can you please be more specific in the evalscript you are using, the area of interest and the date of the image? It is likely Cirrus clouds but I can’t say for sure without this information.

The date is 11.07.2023, and area is Brač island in Croatia, tile T33TXJ

OK thanks, the haze is limited to the water bodies in the image. Sen2Cor, the atmospheric correction performed by the data provider is designed for atmospheric correction over land and not water. Therefore, it’s expected that haze may still be present over water bodies.

I do not know of any haze removal algorithms for over water bodies. You would need to do your own research into this.

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