I downloaded S2B_MSIL2A_20201115T185649_N0214_R113_T11TLM_20201115T211121 from s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/ using the “sentinelhub” Python library. I wanted to compare the B04 image against the L2A B04 image I have created locally using Sen2Cor 2.5 (with default configuration). The results seem to be different and the locally generated image seems to be a better image visually that that retrieved from AWS.
While I double check that I haven’t done something stupid my end It would be useful know what process is used to generate the L2A data in AWS.
There is some discussion here (https://forum.step.esa.int/t/check-which-version-of-sen2cor-was-used/18550) about using the MTD file to work out which version of Sen2Cor was used but I don’t see an MTD file under the product or tile key in AWS. I do see one for the locally generated data.
The original announce (https://medium.com/sentinel-hub/sentinel-2-l2a-products-available-on-sentinel-hub-beab58903285) talks about using Sen2Cor in some areas but also talks about using “a run-time optimized statistical atmospheric correction”.
How do I tell what has been done to produce each L2A product?
Thanks in advance