How to download high-res images

I am extremely new into this and it is a complete mess in my brain :slight_smile:
I would like to know, how can I download high-res images from EO browser, what exactly means AWS path in the Visualize panel and finally, is there a way to download bulk of images or just list the content from the S3 bucket ?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Emil,

To access high-resolution imagery you will need to purchase this. You can find out more about this here and here.

The AWS path only refers to certain data collections such as Sentinel-2. This is just a path that leads to the S3 location of the original data. For more info I recommend reading this page.


Thank you William,
Can you give an example how to retrieve directly from the s3 bucket, as I cannot find a way in the provided documentation. Also is it possible to bulk download ?

For direct access via S3, I recommend using the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem to do this: there is detailed documentation on how to do this here: Documentation - Access to EO data via S3

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Thanks WIlliam,
I managed to list the S3 content from Copernicus, but can you provide me an example of how to get the data I want from the Browser ?

Also I tried with the AWS path (s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/33/T/UH/2024/3/25/0/) from EObrowser, but it looks like they store it on different bucket.

Hi Emil, if you watch this video, you should be able to understand how to get the data from the Copernicus Browser. If you have further questions on using Copernicus Browser, please ask them in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Community Forum.

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Thanks! I was trying to do it in EO browser.

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