Hi, thanks for the question can you provide some more information on the area of interest and the time range that you are using to download your images?
I am currently conducting research on Suwa Lake in Nagano, Japan as my area of interest.I would like to obtain images with a cloud cover of less than 50% from 2017 to 2022.I am unable to download data from 2017 to 2018.
When I click on the URL of the scihub link in the image in the same time range as the image you provided, I go to the page as shown in the next post image and cannot download the image.
Hi, the reason that you are not able to access this link is because this scene will not have been processed to Level 2A by Copernicus Scihub, however, it has been processed to Level 2A by Sentinel Hub. As an alternative, you could download the bands from EO Browser directly.