How to eliminate cloudy pixels from the tiff

For the evalscript posted below, i introduced the method cloudy() to eliminate the cloudy pixels from the tiff. in other words, i want have a tiff file contains ndvi values where
the pixels values in the tiff are not covered with clouds.

at the run time, i receive empty tiff.
can you please point out what i am doing wron?


  // Script to extract a time series of NDVI values using 
  // Sentinel 2 Level 2A data and  metadata file.
  function setup() {
	return {
	  input: [{
		bands: ["B04", "B08", "CLD"],
		units: "DN"
	  output: [
	  id: "default",
	  bands: 1,
	  sampleType: "FLOAT32",
	  nodataValue: NaN,
	  mosaicking: Mosaicking.ORBIT

  function cloudy(samples) {
	let isCloudy = false;
	samples.forEach((sample) => {
	  if (sample.CLD > 0) isCloudy = true;
	return isCloudy;

  function evaluatePixel(samples) {
	if (samples.length < 1) return [NaN];
	if (cloudy(samples)) return [NaN];

	// Precompute an array to contain NDVI observations
	var n_observations = samples.length;
	let ndvi = new Array(n_observations).fill(NaN);
  //Fill the array with NDVI values
	samples.forEach((sample, index) => {
	  ndvi[index] = (sample.B08 - sample.B04) / (sample.B08 + sample.B04) ;
	// get average over the collected ndvi values:
	let sum = 0;
	for(let i = 0;i < ndvi.length; i++) {
	  sum += ndvi[i];
	let avg = sum / ndvi.length;
	return [avg];


Your script works for me (meaning for a random image I picked, I got some pixels back)! I guess your cloud masking is a bit too aggressive for the area you are looking at: for a pixel, if any of the dates has a cloud detected, you return NaN. Maybe if your use-case allows it, you could consider simply removing the cloudy pixels from the NDVI calculation?

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