How to get info about cloud coverage when using WMS request


Could you please help me with getting cloud coverage percentage for each NDVI image?
We want to show cloud coverage for each image from sentinel.

Now we use WMS request to get the tiles for specific day. But we also need to know if the response are tiles covered by clouds on that day. The ideal solution is getting the result in percentage but true/false is also acceptable.

This is our request now:

return _leaflet.value.tileLayer.wms(`${config.public.wmsId}`, {
  tileSize: 256,
  layers: layerType,
  upsampling: "BICUBIC",
  maxNativeZoom: 18,
  minNativeZoom: 15,
  minZoom: 0,
  maxZoom: 30,
  format: "image/png",
  geometry: generatePolygonString(geojson),
  crs: _leaflet.value.CRS.EPSG4326,
  transparent: true,
  time: state.value.newSatelliteDate,
} as ExtendedWMSOptions);

In Sentinel Hub I use Cloude Coverage = 100 for getting the real image of the day I ask in that request.

Thank you


You can obtain cloud coverage by Sentinel-2 tile using the Catalog API. For example, the following request only returns Sentinel-2 catalog items with < 50% cloud cover:

curl -X POST  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'  -d '{   "collections": [     "sentinel-2-l2a"   ],   "datetime": "2024-08-24T00:00:00Z/2024-09-24T23:59:59Z",   "bbox": [     12.44693,     41.870072,     12.541001,     41.917096   ],   "limit": 10,   "filter": {     "op": "<",     "args": [       {         "property": "eo:cloud_cover"       },       50     ]   },   "filter-lang": "cql2-json" }'

An item result looks something like this: