Could you please give me help to mask the cyan (flooded urban area) in using the script of S1 flood detection ? (Flood Mapping With Sentinel-1 Script)
The code only give a script for masking the red pixel with a threshold of 0.05, but I am very interested in the cyan (potentienl flooded urban area), want to know how to mask it?
The cyan parts are represented by the variable outdu in the script. So you could mask them out with the following:
if (outdu > threshold){
// Make a mask if you need it later
var cyanMask = 1
// Return black instead of cyan (removing values for the cyan pixels)
return [0,0,0]
// Return the other pixels as normal
return [outbe,outdu,outdu]
As you can see there is an undefined variable called threshold in the snippet above: you will have to experiement with the value that suits you. Around 0.3 seems to work for the example script, but you might want to fine-tune it to match what you are looking for.