Invalid Client ID and Secret

I configured my client id and secret and when i use them to access the data, it returns invalid client and secret. Can anyone have an idea about this? Thank you.

Hi Muhammad,

Can you give us some more information on how you configured your client id and secret. Are you using the sh-py package? If you follow these steps you should be fine :slight_smile:

If you want to share any code you are using to generate your credentials make sure not to share anything sensitive.

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Thank you William. I followed the same steps, but I am still getting the Invalid Secret ID and Client ID. Can you please confirm if we have to have a upgraded version - (like we have to buy the suscription) to use the client ID and secret IDs?

Are you using Sentinel Hub or Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem when making your request. It’s important that the credentials are generated in the right end point. They are not interchangeable.

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