I am currently working on a project that needs average NDVI values of zipcodes across the US.
When I download images from sentinal hub (sentinal 2, geotiff 32bitt, custom 10x 10 y). I then open it on my QGIS account.
I find two issues, one is that the scale is from 0-1, I know how to use the raster calculator and by doing this expression: (“NDVI_Layer@1” * 2) - 1 the scale would be -1 to 1.
My real issue though is that when i use the identify feature tool and hover over the image (whether it is the original or the rescaled). I get wrong values, areas of vegetation are -1, and the average ndvi value of an area would be -0.2 when i know that the most frequent values should be around 0.4-0.6.
So, my question is what is the easiest way to download NDVI values and then open them on qgis? I do not want to export individual bands, i just want the ndvi image to be correct when i open it on qgis. The crs i use is 4326.