Issue with identifying ndvi values using qgis


I am currently working on a project that needs average NDVI values of zipcodes across the US.
When I download images from sentinal hub (sentinal 2, geotiff 32bitt, custom 10x 10 y). I then open it on my QGIS account.

I find two issues, one is that the scale is from 0-1, I know how to use the raster calculator and by doing this expression: (“NDVI_Layer@1” * 2) - 1 the scale would be -1 to 1.

My real issue though is that when i use the identify feature tool and hover over the image (whether it is the original or the rescaled). I get wrong values, areas of vegetation are -1, and the average ndvi value of an area would be -0.2 when i know that the most frequent values should be around 0.4-0.6.

So, my question is what is the easiest way to download NDVI values and then open them on qgis? I do not want to export individual bands, i just want the ndvi image to be correct when i open it on qgis. The crs i use is 4326.

Hi Fatma, Please can you share the request (or screenshot) and the evalscript that is used to calculate NDVI. It sounds like you might be using a visualisation script for analysis but without seeing what you are doing I can only guess.

Hi William,

Thank you for responding! I realized that I was downloading ‘NDVI images’ and not using a custome script to get the NDVI values.

Can you please let me know if my process is correct now?

I used this custom script:
function setup() {
return {
input: [“B04”, “B08”],
output: { bands: 1, sampleType: “UINT16” }

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
let ndvi = index(sample.B08, sample.B04);
return [10000 * ndvi + 10000];

Then i re-scaled it to -1 to 1 on qgis using:
(“ndvi_layer” - 10000) / 10000

And then, I reprojected geospatial layers to the ESRI:102003 - USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic coordinate reference system to ensure accurate area calculations. (Area zipcode polygons i downloaded from nhgis were ESRI:102003. Sentinel-2 images with overlapping coverage were merged into a single raster layer, which was subsequently clipped to the boundaries of each polygon. Mean NDVI values were calculated for each area using the zonal statistics tool in QGIS, integrating raster-based data with vector polygons for area-specific statistical analysis (the mean from zonal statistics)

It is my first time doing this for a research project so I would be grateful for your input! Thank you.


  1. You should be using FLOAT32 as your Sample Type in your output. You cannot obtain NDVI values with UNIT16 as this will only output unsigned integers and not float values which spectral indices require.
  2. You can remove your scaling calculations after this. You don’t need to multiply your NDVI output and add 10000 too.

Hi William,
I put this script in and it told me there was an error to obtain images.

function setup() {

return {

input: [“B04”, “B08”],

output: { bands: 1, sampleType: “FLOAT32” }



I was following this forum to use UNIT16

I would appreciate it if you can let me know how the custom script should look like instead. Thanks!

You need an evaluatePixel() function in your script as well as the setup() function.

You can add this:

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
let ndvi = index(sample.B08, sample.B04);
return [ndvi];