Landsat 8 Catalog Search issue?

Hi there!
I did the following request:

curl -X POST ‘

–header 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxx…

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’

–data-raw '{“bbox”: [-61.945971,-29.067279, -61.797665, -28.926411],

  "datetime": "2021-07-04T00:00:00Z/2021-08-23T23:59:59Z", 

  "collections": ["landsat-ot-l1"], "limit": 100}'

I get just one item “LC08_L1TP_228080_20210704_20210713_02_T1”

Why I didn´t get any items since 2020-07-05?

Kind regards

Hi Fernando,

Indeed there were also Landsat 8 acquisitions 20th July, 5th August and 21st August. These acquisitions will have not been ingested and processed onto AWS yet. Landsat data is added regularly to our collections, as soon as they are available in USGS AWS cloud.

If they are still not added soon, then please raise an issue with us.

Hi William.

Do you know if there is any way to obtain more updated information about the availability of Landsat 8 images on AWS?
Thanks a lot


Hi Fernando, as I said, when the new Landsat 8 acquisition is on AWS we ingest it ready to be requested in SentinelHub. If this is not quick enough for you, you can download scenes direct from USGS using their Earth Explorer geoportal.

There will be more information here: USGS Landsat - Registry of Open Data on AWS or you could contact USGS directly.

Hi Fernando,

To give you an update we did some further investigations as we have had issues with ingesting some products over the last few weeks. This has been fixed and if you run your request now you will now receive all the latest Landsat 8 acquisitions in your AOI and time range.

Thanks for flagging this up for us!

Great!! thanks William.
