Landsat layers availability in dashboard configurations

Hello sentinel-hub team,

I have 3 questions regarding the availability of Landsat data on your server.

  1. Although I see the availability of Landsat 5 and 7 in the EO-Browser, in the dashboard configurations I can only find Landsat 8 data in the “Source” field, when creating a new layer for my python configuration. Where/how do I find the L5 and L7 collections to request from python?

  2. Does the Landsat 8 collection layer in the dashboard configurations refer to the ESA or the USGS archive?

  3. Does Landsat Level-1 reflectance (in EO-Browser) and Landsat-8 L1C (in configurations) mean Level-1 TOA reflectance? Is there any possibility you provide also BOA reflectance Landsat products?




Although I see the availability of Landsat 5 and 7 in the EO-Browser, in the dashboard configurations I can only find Landsat 8 data in the “Source” field, when creating a new layer for my python configuration. Where/how do I find the L5 and L7 collections to request from python?

ESA Archive of Landsat 5 and 7 is available through our prototype system, which is deployed on IPT Poland cloud. We will establish an account for you there and share it via e-mail.

Does the Landsat 8 collection layer in the dashboard configurations refer to the ESA or the USGS archive?

In the core Dashboard you can configure access to the USGS archive:

Does Landsat Level-1 reflectance (in EO-Browser) and Landsat-8 L1C (in configurations) mean Level-1 TOA reflectance? Is there any possibility you provide also BOA reflectance Landsat products?

This is so called Collection 1, more info here:

That being said, USGS is working to put Collection 2 on the cloud, they have just announced that it will be available in early 2020. We will certainly be including it once available.

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Dear Grega,

I’m currently testing sentinel-hub and have the same request as Natalia (#1) as I’d like to evaluate Landsat 5 data. Would it be possible to also enable me for the IPT Poland cloud?

Thank you!


Didn’t we send you the credentials to access eo-cloud one week ago?
There you can simply create new configurations using Landsat-5 template (or from scratch)

Yes, you did. I was assuming this would be a different source that is compatible with to integrate as separate “Bring you own COG”.
I’d like to have access to Landsat 5 via eo-learn, which seems being supported. However, I was not able to connect the above dashboard to an instance on (created with WMS configurator).

I’m sorry in case this is off topic.

Best regards,


Yea, the EO Cloud system is a legacy system, which does not have same level of support as the rest. Sorry about that.
We are in contact with AWS and USGS, which will eventually bring global LS5 on board. But we have to wait for them.

Thank you for your swift replies! Good to know it’s being worked on/considered.

Best regards,
