Missing Sentinel-2 L2A Collection 1 products


It seems that several S2 L2A products with baseline 05.00 (collection 1) are missing from the AWS bucket sentinel-s2-l2a.

Let’s take as an example product S2B_MSIL2A_20220108T174719_N0500_R098_T13SER_20230205T190405:

It is available on CDSE (https://zipper.dataspace.copernicus.eu/odata/v1/Products(0784cae4-f299-4a1d-9edd-d342741c388e)/$value)

But it is not on AWS, instead only the older version of the product, with baseline 03.01, is there (s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/products/2022/1/8/S2B_MSIL2A_20220108T174719_N0301_R098_T13SER_20220108T214244/)

This is the case for many, if not all, collection 1 products from 2022.

Are there any plans to add these products on AWS?

Many thanks