New collection - Sentinel-2 L2A 120m Mosaic

Those working in machine learning might be interested in a new collection that we have derived from Sentinel-2 data - 120m resolution 10-daily cloudless mosaic over the whole year (2019 currently, we will expand it to 2020 in April, then probably to the past as well).

More information on the collection, which anyone can use within Sentinel Hub:

Some more thoughts behind the concept:

And an example (click to get to Flickr and see it live):
World Mosaic Time-lapse 2019 Blue Marble Background

Or click here for a quick interactive view:


it is great. I tried to set up a configuration utility following the procedure in the FAQ. Here my dashboard

when clicking on preview, it seems to work well. However going in EOBrowser and selecting my Theme based on the configuration it is not working… What could be the problem ?

Thanks fir your help

Can you describe the issue in the EO Browser?

Might it be that you forgot to set the date to 2019 (when doing the search), so it is simply not finding any data?

I forgot to set the collection ID to one of the layer. It works now.


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Is it possible to download the mosaic for whole the world. via ftp for example.

Thank you

With best regards

Michael Siwicki

You could use AWS s3 tool, i.e. something along the lines of
aws s3 sync s3://sentinel-s2-l2a-mosaic-120/ ./

Thank you, I will have a look, although I’ve never used AWS tools.

Dear Grega,

This is a very useful product but it does not include the acquisition geometry bands. Is there a plan to revise it to do so?


Richard Fernandes, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

There is no current plan to add these. But we will consider it for the future.