I am doing some updates to some old code that was using this approach which did as expected and for the most part returned a small image to use as a preview
Using the /process
it works for a smaller aoi but as the aoi gets larger the image disappears with an ok response and I am left with a black preview, so think I am missing something (thought adjust size sent in based on aoi but has so far been unreliable with a result)
this is what I am using
const bbox = convertLatLngToNumberArray(bounds);
const crs = 'http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857';
const sourceURL = 'https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/process';
const sentinel2Type = 'S2L1C'; // Sentinel-2 L1C data type
const requestPayload = {
input: {
bounds: {
properties: {
crs: crs,
bbox: bbox,
data: [
dataFilter: {
timeRange: {
from: `${date}`, // TODO should not need a range?
to: `${date}`,
// mosaickingOrder: 'mostRecent', // mostRecent selected by default
previewMode: 'EXTENDED_PREVIEW',
maxCloudCoverage: 100,
type: type,
output: {
width: size,
height: size,
responses: [
identifier: 'default',
format: {
type: 'image/png',
evalscript: evalScript, // True color default
Any thoughts would be appreciated