openEO vs process API


I got a question. what is the exact differnce between openEO sentinelhub API and sentinelhub process API.

Is the openEO sentinelhub API only a front layer for sh process API?

Can anyone make that clear for me.


openEO and Sentinel Hub are somehow similar, addressing the complexity of EO data processing and reusability of science.
We do indeed maintain an openEO-compliant interface to Sentinel Hub, which exposes a subset of features available in Process API and Statistical API.

Perhaps also a useful read:

Thanks Grega for your immediate answer.

So it seems my understanding is almost correct. yes?

I mean when we are using sentinelhub openeo API, finally it is process and statistical api are called.

If you are looking at the SH openEO interface, this is indeed the case, for now, while we are working on a native interface.

If, however, you are looking at CDSE’s openEO, that one is powered by own, open-source backend.

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one of main reasons behind my question is that i previously asked in this forum about possibility of training and inference a DL model using Sentinel Hub APIs. At that time the answer was that is practically impossible because of pixel-based nature of process api.

But now i read somewhere that such processes is possible through openEO.

based on your answers, i guess this possibility depends on that backend(supporting udf or not). yes?

for example cdse’s openeo supports udf and can be used for those purpose, but as sentinel hub openeo dose not support udf yet, can not be used for that purpose.

This conclusion is spot on.
I would recommend you give a CDSE openEO a try, that one supports UDFs.

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Sure. Thanks for you immediate response!

Just another thing that i see for sentinelhub openeo API. There is a warning which says :
“This service is NOT production-ready.”

some other backends also have this warning. What does that mean exactly for users?

The current version of openEO Sentinel Hub backend is not maintained at the same level of SLA as the rest of the services. it may therefore occasionally happen for these services to be disrupted for longer-than-expected period.
That said, we are working to bring the openEO interface as a native, production-ready, API soon.

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