"Overexposed" image when using evalscript

I have tried downloading an image from Maxar using the evalscript indicated on the website " True color pan-sharpened, full 0.5 meter resolution", however the result is an overexposed image with almost all the details blurred.

However, if I download the tif files of the multispectral and the PAN band and do the Pansharpening by hand, reorder the bands and convert to uint8, the result is very different.

What can this be due to?
How should I apply evalscript so that this does not happen?

Best regards.


I would suggest reading this post about Sample Types on our Medium blog. In addition, if you check the Worldview documentation page, you will see the native Sample Type of Worldview is UINT16.

Evalscripts do enable you to experiment with the brightness and contrast of the image, to find out more on this I suggest reading through this post too!

Thank you very much,
I will take a look at it and apply the proposed solution to see the results.

In order to be able to carry out tests without buying new images or using more costly credits, how could I order already purchased products and apply the processing from request-builder?

Best regards.

Once ordered, you do not need to order again, you own the image. You can access it via Process API, you will just need to select the BYOC option and specify the data collection ID that you can find in your Dashboard.

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