Planet and WorldView data availabity

I would like to know if MAXAR-WorldView images are available for users from Latin America countries?
On the billing page it says that this data is available only for custormers within Europe, so even if I get a sponsored account I wouldn’t have access to these images? since I’m not in Europe country.

For Maxar WorldView we are indeed only able to resell to European customers, sorry about that.

For Planet data, we can offer it to anyone, worldwide.

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Thank you !!
But just to make sure.Even with a sponsored accounts? Cause I got a sponsoship request approved with the WorldView products among the services included and I would like to know if I will be able to use them.

Ah, you are referring for ESA-sponsored Network of Resources? For these, you should be able to use WorldView even from Latin America.

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It has been more than a year since the last post. The latest Sentinel-Hub Worldview Agreement seems to imply that the commercial data is now available outside of Europe? I live in Australia. Does this mean I can acquire Australian WorldView images via Sentinel-Hub?

Here’s the Sentinel-hub link to the WorldView data info. It does not seem to imply the data is restricted to European Users.

Hi @Gringo_Perdido,
the WorldView data are indeed available over the whole world, but we are unfortunately only able to resell it to customers from Europe. Sorry about that.