Planet Scope orig. pictures vs Sentinel hub processed images

Hello, we use Processing API to download Planet Scope data. We have noticed that sometimes the processing API returns an image with missing values when compared with the original picture received from Planet. What can be the cause of this and how can this be fixed please?

Missing pixels is the green stripe:

Another very concerning issue is the actual differences in pixel values. As a demonstration I have prepared two SAVI index images: the first image was downloaded using the Sentinel Hub API, and the second image was downloaded directly from a Planet subscription.

Might be better to download the images directly, is there any way how to download images from the subscription and skip processing API adjustments?

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Hi Jakub,

thanks for the question, based on the nature of your question, I have opened a Planet Support ticket on your behalf. We will follow up directly via email. We will then post an explanation here and on Planet Community.

Hi Jakub,

could you please provide us with the process request, without including your collection ID in it, that was used in your example so we can investigate further.

Thank you

I have replied to to the email I have received. Could you please provide me with and email I can respond to and send the data to?

Thank you

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