Planet SkySat access

Hi all,

I am having difficulty trying to purchase access to the high resolution Planet SkySat data and would like some help.

My goal is to get the 0.5m resolution true colour imagery of a specific remote area where my company works in Western Australia. We will use this to measure disturbance we make to the ground during our exploration activities so that we can determine what we have disturbed vs what we have rehabilitated.

My difficulty comes when trying to purchase the SkySat imagery. In the Dashboard, under the Plans\Imagery tab the option to ‘buy’ the SkySat Archive is not able to be clicked to order the 25km2 AOI.
I thought perhaps I needed to upgrade from the trial sign in I made so went to the Plans\Processing tab and have since purchased a Basic monthly package so that I had access to commercial data. I have followed through those billing steps and my Billing tab is showing a ‘placed’ order which is listed as ‘pending’ under details.

I tried to touch base with the sales team from Planet to create an account with them ~2 weeks ago and have tried again today thinking perhaps using Sentinel Hub was the issue and going direct to Planet would help, no luck there yet other than 2 automated emails that a representative would be in touch.

Any assistance greatly appreciated - I just want high res imagery over a small area.

Hi Duncan,

I’ve passed your question onto our support team. They should be in contact with you via email soon.

Hi Duncan,
looking at your account I see that you have indeed started to initiate a Basic subscription process via credit card (Adyen). However, as far as I see, the transaction was not made, i.e. credit card was not processed.
Perhaps you can try again?

For anyone searching a similar issue in the future -

Issue was resolved, I had erroneously subscribed to the SkySat archive which wasn’t the product I required. Poor background research on my behalf, the area of interest for me is very remote and had not previously had SkySat high res imagery done over it. Issue resolved by tasking for a new image taken using the SkyFi website

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