PlanetScope search not working?

Dear Sentinel Hub team,

I have not done Third Party searches for a couple of months and now I’m having some problems, that is, I don’t find any product.

I have also tried to use the same query of the link (with the appropriate PlanetApiKey)

but also in this case the features of the response are just empty.
Do you have an idea what the problem might be?

Best regards,

Hi Emanuele,

might it be that your annual subscription to PlanetScope has expired?


Hello Grega,

thank you for your prompt reply.
I cannot rule out that the annual subscription has expired, but how can I be sure of that? According to the Usage section of the dashboard, I still have about 30 sqkm of quota (indeed, old way of ordering Planet Scope data).
In any case, even with a Planet API Key, the subscription must be active for simple searches of images (not just for ordering)?


Hi Emanuele,
you can check your past subscription purchases in the Dashboard:

You will notice that the PlanetScope was purchased on April 7th 2020, which means that one year passed already. This limit is configured on Planet’s side. You are, however, right that we should update the quota as well, to make it less confusion. This has now been corrected.

Good morning Grega,

thank you very much for your support and for the clarification!
