Processing units with EO Browser

Hi, where can I get details on how are the the processing units for using the EO Browser calculated?

I mean, how many PU does it cost to search for images? run the spectral Explorer, the statistical info, or the time-lapse animation?

The details are here:

In short - vast majority of the PU consumption in EO browser will be consumed via “rendered tiles”, where one 512x512px tile will often be 1 PU.

Thank you.
What about the “timelapse” and the “statistical info” functions? under which PU consumption category do they fall?

Time-lapse is fetching tiles for each of the dates. Depending on the size, it will typically consume 1 PU per one date.

Time-series is “Statistical API” in the link above. Typically this will consume very few PUs.

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