Product MAXAR not found

Good morning,

for some time now we have been experiencing the following error message when requesting the purchase of a product via the API:

{‘error’: {‘status’: 404, ‘reason’: ‘Not Found’, ‘message’: ‘The products listed in the errors field were not found.’, ‘code’: ‘COMMON_NOT_FOUND’, ‘errors’: {‘notFound’: [‘<MAXAR_PRODUCT_ID>’]}}}}}

The query query we are launching is the same as we have always done, of the type:
‘name’: ‘<my_name>’,
‘collectionId’: ‘<my_collectionId>’,
‘input’: {
‘provider’: ‘MAXAR’,
‘bounds’: {
‘properties’: {
‘crs’: ‘’
‘geometry’: {
‘type’: ‘Polygon’,
‘coordinates’: [
‘bbox’: [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]
‘data’: [
{ ‘productBands’: ‘4BB’, ‘productKernel’: ‘CC’, ‘selectedImages’: [‘<MAXAR_PRODUCT_ID>’]}

Why might this be happening?
Thank you very much

Can you provide the actual request, so that we can try to debug?
Make sure to mask the authentication token.

you mean the product identifier of the requested maxar product?

The steps you do to get this order

I hope to answer your question with the following steps:

  • We perform the query composition with the format indicated in the previous message.
  • We compose the post request header: {‘content-type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer ’ + mytoken}
  • We make a post with the python requests library:
    results =, data=json.dumps(query), headers=headers, timeout=int(timeout_value))

where url is ‘’

if all goes well, in results we get the json of the order with the necessary info for further processing, in our case we get the error indicated in the previous messages.

Best regards.

Can you try to reproduce these steps in Request Builder and then send us specific requests (with all the details - AOI, product ID,…) so that we can reproduce the workflow?

Search request:
curl -X POST
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer ’
-d ‘{
“provider”: “MAXAR”,
“bounds”: {
“bbox”: [
“data”: [
“dataFilter”: {
“timeRange”: {
“from”: “2024-04-29T00:00:00Z”,
“to”: “2024-06-06T23:59:59Z”
“productBands”: “4BB”,
“productKernel”: “CC”

curl -X POST
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer ’
-d ‘{
“input”: {
“provider”: “MAXAR”,
“bounds”: {
“bbox”: [
“data”: [
“productBands”: “4BB”,
“productKernel”: “CC”,
“selectedImages”: [
“name”: “”

Hello Seda,

the product you are trying to order is not included in the bounding box you specified. If you look closely at the search result of your first query, you will notice that the product 10400100948F0300 is not among the search results.

This is because the AOI of the product is not included in your bounding box. This is the AOI of the selected product:

Polygon{} Geometry{coordinates=[[LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.359903999999972, latitude=28.305446000000074, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.360008999999934, latitude=28.296211000000028, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.360262999999975, latitude=28.273636000000067, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.360378999999966, latitude=28.263015000000053, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36062499999997, latitude=28.24064800000008, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.360739999999964, latitude=28.23011900000006, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36097899999993, latitude=28.207930000000033, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36109099999993, latitude=28.19749100000007, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.361229999999978, latitude=28.184025000000076, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36131899999998, latitude=28.175505000000044, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.361652999999933, latitude=28.143349000000057, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.361761999999942, latitude=28.13307700000007, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.361985999999945, latitude=28.111428000000046, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362089999999966, latitude=28.10123600000003, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362189999999941, latitude=28.09114500000004, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362304999999935, latitude=28.079758000000027, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36240399999997, latitude=28.069646000000034, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362611999999956, latitude=28.048350000000028, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362708999999938, latitude=28.038310000000024, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.362912999999935, latitude=28.01714000000004, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36295599999994, latitude=28.012544000000048, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.363006999999982, latitude=28.007171000000028, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.36319999999995, latitude=27.986162000000036, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506830999999977, latitude=27.977457000000072, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506889999999942, latitude=27.986807000000056, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506842999999947, latitude=27.989858000000027, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506852999999978, latitude=27.99146600000006, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506798999999944, latitude=27.998370000000023, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.506772999999953, latitude=28.02968100000004, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.507003999999938, latitude=28.06072400000005, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.50699099999997, latitude=28.09253700000005, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.507106999999962, latitude=28.124363000000073, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.507085999999958, latitude=28.156745000000058, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.507411999999931, latitude=28.188703000000032, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.50773799999996, latitude=28.22094400000003, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.508076999999957, latitude=28.25343600000008, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.508424999999932, latitude=28.286219000000074, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.508519999999976, latitude=28.295269000000076, altitude=NaN}, LngLatAlt{longitude=-15.359903999999972, latitude=28.305446000000074, altitude=NaN}]]} GeoJsonObject{}

Expanding the bounding box to [-15.400793,27.898402,-15.332096,28.466308], for example, will intersect it with the product and solve your issue.

Thank you very much,
it’s already solved, it was really a change in the coordinate conversion library after its update, so your help has put us on the track.
Best regards.

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