S5p-tools by bilelomrani not working due to changes in DHUS_URL

Hi, I have been downloading the bulk of sentinel-5p Aerosol offline data using this python tool called s5p-tools GitHub - bilelomrani1/s5p-tools: Python scripts to download and preprocess air pollution concentration level data aquired from the Sentinel-5P mission
It was working perfectly for others but now the DHUS URL cant be reached and it gives the following error:
sentinelsat.exceptions.ServerError: HTTP status 404 Not Found:

404 Not Found

my code is as follows:
conda env list
conda env remove -n myenv
conda create --override-channels -c conda-forge -c stcorp-forge --file /content/requirements_simplified.txt --name myenv

sentinelsat is not available through conda so we install it using pip

conda activate myenv
pip install sentinelsat
git clone GitHub - bilelomrani1/s5p-tools: Python scripts to download and preprocess air pollution concentration level data aquired from the Sentinel-5P mission
python /content/s5p-tools/s5p-request.py L2__O3____ --date 20210606 20210610 --unit ‘mol/m2’ --aoi /content/testmap.geojson`

None of these tools is maintained by this community, so I suggest you contact them directly.

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