Sentinel-2 AWS bucket coverage

Hello everyone,

It seems that coverage for 2023 is quite low compared to 2022. We work with AOIs all over the world and we frequently experience lack of imagery in 2023.

My questions are:

  • How frequent is the synchronisation done?
  • Can we expect to have the same spatial / temporal coverage for 2023 as in 2022 soon?
  • Who is in charge of this synchronisation?

Happy to provide specific AOIs or contribute further on this. Let me know how I can :slight_smile:

I looked for existing thread on the topic and did not find any. Sorry in advance if it is a duplicate!

Best, Louis

Not sure which bucket specifically you are referring to.
In general, these S2 buckets are up-to-date and full (with some exceptions possible)

I am referring this bucket specifically: sentinel-s2-l2a. It is frequent for us to encounter this issue on AOIs with less than 6 images over the year.

Do compare the data available with the original source, and let us know if you find some specific products missing.

Thank you for your feedback. I will reference specific examples shortly alongside the code I used


Please find enclosed three AOI alongside the number of imagery I found for each:

AOI 2022 imagery 2023 imagery 2023 imagery Copernicus
n1 69 21 135
n2 135 43 138
n3 70 23 73

The code I used for the search is based on satsearch and Element 84 dataset:

sentinel_items = satsearch.Search(
        query={"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": 100}},

Please let me know if this is enough information.

Also can this issue come from Element 84 dataset being partial?

Thanks a lot, Louis

AOI n1:

{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"id": "0", "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[4.594361634632779, 45.76341148999913], [4.59427898765828, 45.76370362979608], [4.594275001830292, 45.76403062188433], [4.594371026393002, 45.76447116057463], [4.594606665760096, 45.76437667747862], [4.595124139119519, 45.76492603162583], [4.595276398264092, 45.76499244503111], [4.595530647182418, 45.76414578340231], [4.595806393540926, 45.764319877193856], [4.596639114579674, 45.76373384206937], [4.595969405271573, 45.763189001874565], [4.595658206564615, 45.76360997539814], [4.594361634632779, 45.76341148999913]]]}, "bbox": [4.594275001830292, 45.763189001874565, 4.596639114579674, 45.76499244503111]}], "bbox": [4.594275001830292, 45.763189001874565, 4.596639114579674, 45.76499244503111], "crs": {"properties": {"name": "EPSG:4326"}}}

AOI n2:

{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"id": "0", "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[3.797682, 48.2187085], [3.79711007461343, 48.2195092042688], [3.795428, 48.2189290999999], [3.7952848, 48.2189301], [3.7951336, 48.2189427999999], [3.7943328, 48.2190455], [3.7936374, 48.2191470999999], [3.793511, 48.2191811999999], [3.7929533, 48.2193329999999], [3.79273061761096, 48.2194217053694], [3.7937062475091, 48.2197890017604], [3.79409469832841, 48.219923651037], [3.79409607833353, 48.219924146539], [3.7947348981205, 48.2201615821805], [3.79597204845183, 48.2205773161909], [3.79597278783799, 48.2205775694431], [3.79624034771908, 48.2206709611555], [3.79698207683525, 48.2209298565976], [3.79698232744261, 48.2209299446302], [3.79773097079164, 48.2211946026495], [3.79813225630515, 48.2213262789994], [3.79852333288802, 48.2214449050077], [3.7989086000496, 48.2215224564485], [3.79942670839409, 48.2215818127224], [3.79976487079143, 48.2216119088839], [3.7999609988591, 48.221611908883], [3.80016370225954, 48.2215993010047], [3.80045652038391, 48.221564695226], [3.80078846628189, 48.2215079540281], [3.80093056803337, 48.2214762006553], [3.80107266961383, 48.2214444471109], [3.80130077303924, 48.2213787690614], [3.80153318136377, 48.2212978799272], [3.80171957386646, 48.2212231461726], [3.80187897491876, 48.2211458608327], [3.80204183684906, 48.2210638383854], [3.80219318004276, 48.2209721716], [3.80230170121814, 48.2208953840916], [3.80249365499602, 48.220746528144], [3.80269882961146, 48.2205770621972], [3.8027019522755, 48.2205747021858], [3.80292515228321, 48.2204202022563], [3.80292877092635, 48.2204179186743], [3.80314667089711, 48.2202926187367], [3.80314976952339, 48.2202909655855], [3.80335366947277, 48.2201901656387], [3.80335750481649, 48.2201884348729], [3.80359130473192, 48.2200924349266], [3.80359497953814, 48.2200910553804], [3.80386917941517, 48.2199973554352], [3.80387305215827, 48.2199961588776], [3.80409068131389, 48.2199357896075], [3.80399520610481, 48.2197315191924], [3.80374595094858, 48.2195227814703], [3.80303225931951, 48.218942322271], [3.80244244443802, 48.2185533342361], [3.80168498270314, 48.2181097368226], [3.80095513517935, 48.2178359666095], [3.79947378750195, 48.2172770822697], [3.7994281, 48.2173358999999], [3.7992397, 48.2175540999999], [3.7991095, 48.2176965999999], [3.7990175, 48.2177840999999], [3.7985022, 48.2182113999999], [3.7984196, 48.218276], [3.7983174, 48.2183466999999], [3.7982356, 48.2183965999999], [3.7981047, 48.2184703999999], [3.797682, 48.2187085]]]}, "bbox": [3.79273061761096, 48.2172770822697, 3.80409068131389, 48.2216119088839]}], "bbox": [3.79273061761096, 48.2172770822697, 3.80409068131389, 48.2216119088839], "crs": {"properties": {"name": "EPSG:4326"}}}

AOI n3:

{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"id": "0", "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[141.5111581615772, -37.78204502384783], [141.5131572452321, -37.78227395502928], [141.5175564226401, -37.78641530936475], [141.5105676420736, -37.78568464333127], [141.5111581615772, -37.78204502384783]]]}, "bbox": [141.5105676420736, -37.78641530936475, 141.5175564226401, -37.78204502384783]}], "bbox": [141.5105676420736, -37.78641530936475, 141.5175564226401, -37.78204502384783], "crs": {"properties": {"name": "EPSG:4326"}}}

As mentioned, do please provide a list of specific products that are missing on the bucket (a few examples).

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