Sentinel-3 SLSTR and OLCI raw bands data access

We are using the Sentinel-3 SLSTR and OLCI for doing a historic time series data analysis for several locations across the world. But currently due to Quotas and limitations set by Copernicus we keep on getting reduced speed in kb/s. So, are there any ways by means of which we can download the Sentinel-3 L1 - RBT SAFE format as well as OLCI datasets through SentinelHub instead of getting just a cropped section of the area?

It is not possible to download .SAFE file from Sentinel Hub. You can, however, use Sentinel Hub to do the same type of time-series data analysis as you are used to do with Sentinel-2. And individual requests will get you large areas - cca 750x750 km…

Objective of downloading the individual bands are to perform fusion using the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3. Hence to do that we require the individual bands. Can we perform the similar analysis using the SentinelHub?

You can get individual bands from Sentinel-3 (see examples, you can choose any of the bands you would need) with Sentinel-3.

You can even perform data fusion and do this directly in Sentinel-2. You can check some examples of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 fusion in this blog post:

There are multiple scenes available for Sentinel-3 at any particular day for same AOI. So, using this example which scene will get downloaded of any particular day?. Moreover, how can we choose the particular scene to be downloaded i.e. least cloud, 10:30/1:30 local time scene or specific processing level of any particular day?

Moreover, what is the delay in getting the most recent data being available from Copernicus to SentinelHub ?

You can define the timeRange from/to to the specific interval (i.e. 15 minutes) to make sure you only get one scene.
The data are typically available within half an hour.

How do we get the cloud information and confidence interval i.e. cloud_an and confidence_an flags which Sentinel-3 provides?

Although In the available bands and data there is a band name dataMask. Could you please provide more detail around it?


thanks for the questions:

  1. I cannot find these bands that you are referring to on the page you linked to. Consulting our documentation, they are not available through Sentinel Hub APIs.
  2. The dataMask is a product automatically generated in Sentinel Hub data collections; you can read more about it here. If you have more questions then please reach out :slight_smile:

Apologies, I have updated the link in my earlier reply. Now as you can there are cloud_an and confindence_an flag which are provided in the Sentinel-3 SLSTR product for computing the cloudy pixels over an area. So, we cannot access these through Sentinel-Hub API, right?

As per the document dataMask has value 0 for “no data” pixels and 1 elsewhere. So, can we say even for cloudy pixels also the value would be 1 in dataMask?

Is there any way to remove the cloudy pixels when we download Bands of Sentinel-3 SLSTR from SentinelHub API?

dataMask corresponds to the actual coverage of the satellite product, i.e. which part of the BBOX the data are available and which not.

The mentioned meta-data about clouds is currently not supported in Sentinel Hub.

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