Sentinel 3 SLSTR - data download issue

Good morning, we are trying to download sentinel 3 SLSTR images via WMS. The wms request return the following error:

sentinelhub.exceptions.DownloadFailedException: Failed to download from:*MASKED*?SERVICE=wms&WARNINGS=False&MAXCC=100.0&Transparent=True&ShowLogo=False&BBOX=41.06116481189384%2C14.980955211017445%2C41.06219146883538%2C14.981723628557297&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&TIME=2019-12-02T18%3A27%3A15%2F2019-12-02T22%3A27%3A15&WIDTH=480&HEIGHT=847&LAYERS=PHENOLOGY-S3&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0 with HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:*MASKED*?SERVICE=wms&WARNINGS=False&MAXCC=100.0&Transparent=True&ShowLogo=False&BBOX=41.06116481189384%2C14.980955211017445%2C41.06219146883538%2C14.981723628557297&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&TIME=2019-12-02T18%3A27%3A15%2F2019-12-02T22%3A27%3A15&WIDTH=480&HEIGHT=847&LAYERS=PHENOLOGY-S3&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0 Server response: "Illegal request to HTTP Status: 404"

No problem for Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 products instead!
Moreover, I noticed that also in and some of the products that I’m trying to download do not display the preview of the image (in the left sidebar). Therefore I suspect there is a problem server-side. Does anyone experience a similar problem? How can I access those resources or possibly filter out those images from the data request (python SDK)?

Thank you in advance


thank you for contacting us.
The issue should be fixed now

very good and useful

Thank you @rkosir for the rapid fix!
Actually, we are interested in downloading the images of the years from 2017 to 2021, and the problem is still present (especially in 2017). Could you extend the fix for the whole period 2017-2021?
Thank you

I am sorry to insist, but will this problem be fixed?
To recap the problem:
Lots of images from Sentinel 3 SLSTR are missing (as you can see also from EOBrowser where the preview of the image is missing)
Downloading these images from 2017 to 2020 from Sentinel 3 SLSTR the Python SDK returns this error:
sentinelhub.exceptions.DownloadFailedException: Failed to download from:*MASKED*?SERVICE=wms&WARNINGS=False&MAXCC=100.0&Transparent=True&ShowLogo=False&BBOX=41.06116481189384%2C14.980955211017445%2C41.06219146883538%2C14.981723628557297&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&TIME=2019-12-02T18%3A27%3A15%2F2019-12-02T22%3A27%3A15&WIDTH=480&HEIGHT=847&LAYERS=PHENOLOGY-S3&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0 with HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:*MASKED*?SERVICE=wms&WARNINGS=False&MAXCC=100.0&Transparent=True&ShowLogo=False&BBOX=41.06116481189384%2C14.980955211017445%2C41.06219146883538%2C14.981723628557297&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&TIME=2019-12-02T18%3A27%3A15%2F2019-12-02T22%3A27%3A15&WIDTH=480&HEIGHT=847&LAYERS=PHENOLOGY-S3&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0 Server response: "Illegal request to HTTP Status: 404"

We are in contact with data provider to try and identify the products that were removed from their storage - this is also causing the error.

We are hoping this issue will be resolved by end of next week

Faulty products should now be removed from search.

Could you check if this resolves your problems now?

Now the download of the data does not return any error! Thank you for fixing this issue.