Sentinel-hub EO link sharing is currently not available

Dear Person in Charge,

I’m yulii. Often use shortcut links for making archive list.

I have been able to share the shortcut link for over a year in response to your previous instructions. However, I am unsure why I have not been able to share it again recently.

I have attached my previous query for your reference.

If it isn’t too much trouble, I would be very grateful.
If you could possibly provide any further information that you may have.

Sincerely yours,


Having read the thread from last year, I am not exactly sure what feature you are asking for? Can you please be more specific?

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For example, June observed results.
Could confirm to make share via rinks before June 2024.
Those share rinks archived for researching and investigating on War crime.
However, couldn’t open archived all of rinks on July 2024.

For example, June 1st result.

It has couldn’t be open.
Specific said, 414 error has cause. Please, make to fix or analyses causing.
Furthermore, After July I confirmed couldn’t make new share rinks.

Any case, using script to Sentinel-2.
I will attached specific situation images.

Couldn’t share rinks situation:


I cannot replicate this error. Even when logged out, selecting Sentinel-2 and a custom script as my visualisation, the URL sharing link is populated.

Which browser are you using? Can you try clearing your cache and cookies perhaps?

Dear William,

For the time being, I have checked about “cookies” on Vivaldi browser*former Opera.
As a result, that is restored to the same as before situation.
Thanks, on it.

Having said that, not resolved “share links making”.
Therefore, I will explain separate threads with a few images.

Fastly, I confirmed it message.

It situation that, former way is direct type and paste scripts. Now then, script request from other code pasting site “Github Gist”.
I’m not much understood new way. Therefore, please tell me about new way.

Secondary, I want to insert “Parameters modified Scripts” to Github Gist.
However, originally script is another person made. Him could allowed modified on him older Web page.
In this situation, I think that’s case is no problem for insert and request from pasted “Github Gist”.
Furthermore, could insert from closed Gist? Why reason, I often use modified codes for my researching. Therefore, could think it a few similar codes overflow situation. That’s too troublesome for other users.
For that reason, if could hide modified codes on Github Gist URL, I want to use this way.
If couldn’t use closed Gist URL, in this case I could share modified codes on Github Gist URL?

*GitHub Gist
*Original script

Thirdly question.
If finished those script inserted, now could make or appear sharing shortened URL?
Because it is need to research, archiving, and investigating situations. It shortened URL list use for academic purpose and outline for judge to war crime by a few nations’ governments.

As you can see in the screenshot you need to tick the checkbox Load script from URL. The URL you then copy and paste into here needs to be the direct link to the .js file containing your script.

Dear Willam,

After that, then I have insert of .js code to “Git Hub Gist”.
Then it works well. It was a little difficult.
Having said that, now working for new images analyses and share URL making.

I appreciate your kindness.
Thank you for your time.

Japanese OSINT team proceeding Sentinel-Hub EO tutorial documents projects,
Of course including this method and other sections.
To some degree finish, I will contact for content check and share.

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