I am trying to download NDVI from the Sentinel2_L2A data collection using the WCSRequest. I have inputted a date and bbox and have created an NDVI layer in the cofiguration utility of sentinelhub. I am receiving an error 400 for it. I am attaching the code and error for better understanding.
wcs_true_color_request = WcsRequest(
data_collection = DataCollection.SENTINEL2_L2A,
data_folder = '/Users/sid/Documents/WATER_STRESS/ET/SENTINEL_PRODUCTS/NDVI',
layer = 'NDVI',
bbox = bbox,
time = date,
resx = '10m',
resy = '10m',
image_format = MimeType.TIFF,
custom_url_params = {
CustomUrlParam.SHOWLOGO: False
config = config
wcs_true_color_img = wcs_true_color_request.get_data()
NDVI = wcs_true_color_img[-1]
DownloadFailedException: Failed to download from:
with HTTPError:
400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wcs/b16113bc-6bb9-464c-a6a6-21c056aeb7da?SERVICE=wcs&WARNINGS=False&MAXCC=100.0&ShowLogo=False&BBOX=30.365748%2C75.661812%2C30.558113%2C75.907974&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff&CRS=EPSG%3A4326&TIME=2023-10-01T05%3A40%3A42Z%2F2023-10-01T05%3A40%3A42Z&RESX=10m&RESY=10m&COVERAGE=NDVI&REQUEST=GetCoverage&VERSION=1.1.2
Server response: "Requesting only remote collections is not allowed. At least one requested collection must be hosted by the API endpoint. Please use one of the following endpoints with your request: services-uswest2.sentinel-hub.com."
The error is suggesting I use the services-uswest2.sentinel-hub.com endpoint which an endpoint for USWEST deployments. Sentinel2_L2A comes under the EU deployment which uses ‘https://services.sentinel-hub.com’ endpoint.
Why am i receiving the following error??