Sentinelhub.get_area_info method not returning products after 2025-01-21

I am using sentinelhub.get_area_info to fetch available Sentinel2 products but it seems that it does not return any after 2025-01-21:

Exemple: when I am fetching for the whole world from 2025-01-20 with max cloud cover at 1:

max([p["properties"]["completionDate"] for p in sentinelhub.get_area_info(sentinelhub.BBox((-180, -90, 180, 90), 
crs=sentinelhub.CRS.WGS84), ("2025-01-20", "2025-01-28"), maxcc=1.)])

it returns: ā€˜2025-01-21T08:58:46Zā€™, while I am running it on 2025-01-29 and I can see new images after on EOBrowser.

Is it an issue in api datacollection side or am I doing something wrong ? Is there a better way to fetch sentinel products ? Thanks in advance

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